May 24, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

I feel like you got into the flow well here. I can’t see Camilla and Arthur lasting - there is cursory caring but if my other half got a Netflix deal I’d expect them to tell me literally three seconds later!

Is Arthur a creep with wandering hands? I wouldn’t have guessed that if so?

Re the daughter - would she really be reading a magazine- that is very retro for anyone under about 40 😁?

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Thanks Emily. That's good to hear. Not sure where the 'creep with wandering hands' thought come from. Is it something I wrote that suggests that? Good thought on the magazine I wonder if people in the fashion industry do go hard copy old school though. Maybe not.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

That’s what immediately came to mind re Angela not wanting to see him but I may have read too quickly as a I am a bit of a skim reader, and misunderstood the relationship.

Good question re fashion industry- I wonder how many print copies of Vogue sell now vs digital. I think she’d be scrolling her iPad,

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Oh I see. There’s more on why Angela isn’t comfortable coming up - you’re right, it’s not explained yet. Re the iPad yes I think you’re probably right. I may change that in the final edit

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May 22, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

Another great chapter - story bubbling along nicely - Looking forward to chapter 4!

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Thanks Will

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May 21, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

Just finished chapter 3 and I'm hooked now. Enjoying the complexity of the parallel story lines and where they overlap with a strained relationship. Intrigued by the mysterious Elizabeth. JW, you said you wanted to know about typos - Chapter 3, He's should be His. 😉

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Thanks Rich. Typo kudos goes to you on that one

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May 20, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

Really enjoying reading - especially the mystery of Elizabeth and the parallels between Arthur and Camilla's 'projects!'.

Last para of Chapter 3 who is Nina? Kinga's previous name?

Looking forward to Chapter 4.....

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Thanks Emma. Oops, yes that’s a mistake. I changed her name to be a more typical Hungarian name.

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May 20, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

Thought it must be! BTW she's a great character

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That’s good to hear

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