Jun 2, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

I’m struggling with the weekly release of chapters. When I sit down to read I like to dedicate a good length of time to it, really get into it and switch off. Just as I get into this it stops. When I pick it up again I spend time trying to remember what’s happening. Chapters 3 & 4 did not continue the story of Arthur and his bomb so I felt a bit adrift. I’m starting to be more interested in Camilla’s story . Maybe because it’s more relatable to me.

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Thanks Cassia. Yes there are challenges to the chapter a week format as you say. It’s one of the issues sharing it this way. But as I’m sharing it as I write it I can’t really change the format now. Hopefully you find it worth sticking with. The goal is to move the story of Arthur and his bomb forward, but in a broader context of characters and other plot lines. Hopefully I get the balance right.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

Really enjoying the book, Jonathan. Love the entwining of Arthur and Camilla’s separate careers and how they interact (or not!) with their family. Just noticed in Chapter 5 that you introduce Prof. Robert Fitzpatrick but then Alverez greats him as Prof. Wilson. Great story!

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Thanks Chris. Yes there was a name change and I obviously missed one. Thanks for spotting that.

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Well it’s very exciting & old Arthur is a bit of a dark horse, clearly lots happened in his past so cannot wait to hear what comes out, very good reading so far!

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