Jul 12, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

Enjoyed the first chapter immensely, Elizabeth fascinates me.

One tiny typo; there shouldn't be an apostrophe in 1960's - just 1960s. 🙂

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Thanks Tania

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May 26, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

I'm probably most intrigued by Jacob - why did he strike up the conversation initially with Arthur? Is it purely coincidence they have a shared interest in defence or does he know more about Arthur than he's letting on... I sense he's the villain, Arthur is the hero but hard to tell at this stage! I wondered if Arthur would need a bit more convincing to let this guy in to the shed / secret although elizabeth's first line makes it seem otherwise! I like arthur, he seems extremely self aware.

I really enjoyed the first chapter - it got to the shed very quickly but it was the detailed descriptions of the characters (and the nice additions e.g the cat) that hooked me in...

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Thanks Laura. Interesting take on Jacob. And totally agree on the cat. Interesting to see what you think as the story develops over the next few chapters

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May 16, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

I'm loving Arthur's relationship with Elizabeth - Is she real? Why does she want/need a bomb? Is she ChatGPT? Also, I for one fully support Arthur's lack of small talk...

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Thanks John. Those are great questions which I won't answer for now. Let's see what happens. Totally agree on the small talk.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

I like that Jacob’s story arc could swing between hero and villain. I also think the change of perspective from Arthur to Camilla keeps things fresh. Your change in your use of sentence structure, grammar and vocabulary between the two perspectives is subtle but really reinforces the different characters. When reading one chapter per week it’s easy to lose track of details that went before but you bring the reader subtly back to the story. I would have liked some minor description of Sandra. I can visualise Camilla and Amira at the table but not Sandra. Camilla has already mentioned her outfit and Amira’s so she would have noticed Sandra’s too? The whole Bella/ghost love link has me wondering whether you are a secret Twilight fan 😂

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Thanks Cassia, very helpful thoughts. I hadn't made the link to Twilight at all...

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Too late - your secret is out!!

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May 15, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

Intriguing storyline. Elizabeth was the hook for me in Chapter 1- is she a ghost from Arthur’s past and why is Bella so important to the two of them? It will be interesting to see the two world’s of Arthur and Camilla unfold and interlink. Not sure about Jacob yet. Looking forward to the next chapter!

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Thanks Ruth

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May 14, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

Have to agree with the comment below. Is Elizabeth real or not 🤷. Very much enjoying the story so far👍

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Thanks Robert. Interesting question for sure.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

It’s Elizabeth who intrigued me! She is enigmatic, intimate with Arthur, but I feel she is a figment of his imagination. She seemed to appear like a ghost - so maybe she is important from Arthur’s past. Bella is another name for Elizabeth. This bomb is for Elizabeth. I want to know the backstory…

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Thanks Fiona. Glad it’s got you thinking

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May 13, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

I just came here to make the Buttfuck comment but see Em has beaten me to it.

Bloody pedants 😂

Only kidding. I actually can see great parallels between Arthur and Camilla’s lives. Both of them embarked on a project that was very personal to them (maybe a natural consequence of the marriage having become mundane), and now both of them at great risk of having their projects taken over and swept away by powerful entities who don’t really care less about the underlying individuals or their motives.

Who will be blinded by the money and fame and file for divorce first? And will they later regret their decision when they realise they’ve traded their marriage for soulless wealth?

I now think Elizabeth was an old flame of Arthur’s who died after overdosing on crystal meth while in New Mexico. Or something.

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Thanks Tina - interesting thoughts

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May 12, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

Buttfuck - two ts!

I don’t have a view on Jacob yet - he has a slightly mafia like relationship with Kinga perhaps? He has the wardrobe of someone with money but doesn’t seem to have the status to match. Still questionable fashion taste :-)

I would like to understand Camilla and Arthur’s relationship- why are they together when their worlds don’t seem to collide? Her concern over his reaction to her success seems at odds with her dismissive comment about his little project in the first chapter. What’s the history? Do they still love each other?

Elizabeth - now I’m thinking time traveller.

Also was that really the reason for the founding of the Groucho club or is that artistic licence?

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Two Ts? Oops. More on Camilla and Arthur to come. And on Elizabeth’s. And yes that bit about the Groucho club is real.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

I am intrigued to find out more as the characters have a polarising impact. I neither like nor dislike them yet and want to explore their motives, relationships and character evolution further. The plot is sure to raise tensions but still captures a light-touch humourous angle which I think will hold the storyline in good sted as the chapters build. Looking forward to chapter 2.

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Thanks Alice. That’s great to hear.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

Well I am intrigued by Elizabeth.

I am not fond of either Arthur or Camilla so far. Arthur is a wet blanket who has just shown a random stranger with questionable fashion choices, his top secret ?illegal project, and I’m waiting for Camilla to sweep in with her 101 dalmatians. Hopefully Arthur has hidden depths! Is Elizabeth real - or is she AI?

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Thanks Emily. Interesting thoughts on Arthur and Camilla. Not sure what gave you the cruella vibes for Camilla but fair enough. We’ll get to know them both a bit better in the next few chapters. Who know, maybe you’ll warm to them. Let’s see.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

I just thought she was pretty unpleasant to her husband and he seems to be hiding things from her and a bit hen pecked. I am sure he has more to him. Also if you’ve ever watched American Hustle, you don’t have to like the characters always to appreciate the story. -,there isn’t one worthy person in that film!

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Yes totally agree. And yes you will learn a lot more about Arthur and Camilla. No idea if that will make either of them more likeable or not. Let’s see.

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AI! Yes...

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May 9, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

Ohh an intriguing first chapter! Is Arthur sane? Who is Elizabeth and is she actually real?

Capital J for Jacob towards the end? Does that get points?

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Thanks Alice that’s great that you have those questions in your head. Yes the capital J def gets you points

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May 9, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

Easy intro to the characters and their backstory so far. Left me wanting to know more. Also already I am starting to imagine possible storylines this could take. What is real or Arthur’s imagination, a shed is really a double garage…

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Thanks Mark. Good to know it raises questions and lots of potential ways for the story to unfold. I have a pretty clear idea already where it's headed

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May 8, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

I enjoyed the first chapter. I'm getting a distinct tonality of actor Jason Watkins (DS Dodds) for Arthur, and not sure why. I like that. Not sure how much Arthur teeters on earnest pursuits & madness, which of course resonates that the bigger, more audacious the idea, it needs both. More about the house, the neighbours/hood, and yes, why Bella, I wonder? Looking forward to Chapter Two.

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Thanks Cathy. That's interesting. I hadn't thought of Jason Watkins for Arthur, yet he kind of does look like how I imagine Arthur myself.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

Ohh I’m intrigued by Elizabeth. Is she a real person or is she Arthur’s alter ego? The way it says “almost as if she was standing there right with him” suggests she may not be in the shed at all, maybe not even alive. Maybe she only comes to him in moments of crisis, or when he needs inspiration.

Good way to end the chapter, leaving you wanting more.

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Thanks Tina - all very good questions

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May 7, 2023Liked by Jonathan Williams

I can’t wait to hear who Elisabeth is! What role does she play? She seems a lot closer to Arthur than Camilla. I even wonder whether she is a real person (after all, there is Bella). How much going on in the garage is real versus the imaginings in Arthur’s head? There is a “real”, “fiction” theme - Camilla is a novelist - seeming very present in the real world through selling fiction. Is what Arthur’s doing, hidden away from the world, more real? I find this intriguing and look forward to Chapter 2.

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Thanks Fiona. I like your reflections on what is real

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